Mike Calta Show · Death Pool Rules for 2025
Selection Rules
- Selection begins on the first day back from winter break. The Death Pool concludes on the last day of broadcast before winter break.
- All selections are to be sent via email to brohande@gmail.com for official submission. Timestamps from gmail.com will be used for any disputes.
- Selection order will begin in reverse order of the standings from the previous year.
- Round selection order will reverse with every completed round.
- Once a round of picks begins it must be concluded, every player must have an equal amount of picks.
- Picks cannot be made after best known time of death, whether it comes from an official death certificate, coroner report, or any other outside source.
A Certain Level of Established Fame
People that are suddenly "famous" or "infamous" because of a commited crime (or any other reason) are not allowed as picks in their first year of infamy. For example, Derek Chavin and Brian Laundrie would not be allowed as picks in the year they commited their crimes, in future seasons they would be allowed as draft picks and emergency picks.
22 Picks are to be selected by each player:
- 20 Celebrity Picks
1 Local Pick
Pick must live in the state of Florida
1 102.5 The Bone Pick
- Pick must be an active on-air personality of one of the Bone's shows that airs Monday through Friday. Guest spots do not count.
- In order to receive points the pick must be fired, quit, or otherwise moved on from The Bone.
- Players are unable to fire/transfer picks in order to receive or issue points.
- Players cannot pick themselves.
- The pick must remain off The Bone for the remainder of the Death Pool game for the points to count, if the pick rejoins The Bone the points will be voided.
- The picks official hire date will be used to calculate points.
- The entry fee is per player, it must be submitted via Paypal to brohande@gmail.com. The winner of the Death Pool will receive 100% of the prize pool.
Unpaid penalties:
- All fee's must be paid to the previous year's winner before current year points can be accrued. Should a player not pay and a pick of theirs dies they will not receive points for that pick. Points will not be given even after late payment is received.
- No repicks will be given for any non-point deaths that happen before payment is received, this counts for all picks regardless of origin.
Emergency Picks
- Participants receive two emergency picks, in order to use an emergency pick two existing picks must be removed.
- Emergency picks cannot be used until AFTER the draft is finished, you want them? Draft them!
To use an emergency pick the player must submit it via email to brohande@gmail.com, this email must include:
- The emergency pick
- TWO picks that are to be removed to allow for the emergency pick. Bone, Local, or other Emergency picks may not be removed for use of an emergency pick.
- Emails not including ALL of the information above will be discarded.
If multiple players try to emergency pick the same person the player who sent their email first, with all the required information above, will receive the pick.
- If both original emergency picks die a bonus emergency pick may be selected for free and without a pick-removal penalty.
- Players may not use one of their removed picks as an emergency pick. Players may use removed picks from other players as emergency picks.
Additional emergency picks can be purchased for each. This money goes into the prize pool and must be submitted via Paypal to brohande@gmail.com.
- Players may not purchase emergency picks until after their two original emergency picks have been selected.
- When a purchased emergency pick is made the money must be submitted within 24 hours of the pick being made for the pick to count.
- If an emergency pick becomes invalidated (e.g. picked after time of death) any removed picks will be reinstated to the player.
Point System
Scoring begins as soon as the first pick of the year is selected.
Changes in circumstances of death must be documented within the allotted time frame of the game. No point changes will be made after the last day of the game.
If a picks time and date of death is unknown and never officially determined, the pick (and any points) are voided. If it's an emergency pick any removed picks or funds will be refunded. Any changes to the circumstances of a death can change points awarded or cause them to be removed completely.
Scoring is determined by The Commissioner of Death. Any scoring disputes must be argued to the Commissioner, players may appeal the Commissioner's decisions to Dominic Fariello.
Base Points
- Calculated as follows: 100 minus the picks age at the time of death (i.e. a pick that died at age 54 would receive 46 points).
Bonus Points
Bonus |
Points |
Comments |
Original Draft Pick |
25 |
This bonus does not apply to Local or Bone picks |
Former Show Guest |
25 |
This bonus does not apply to Bone picks |
Century Mark |
25 |
Pick dies at age 100 |
Over Century Mark |
# |
Picks that die over age 100 are calculated as "(Age of Death - 100) x 2" |
First to Go |
35 |
Academy Award Winner |
35 |
Only applies once, regardless if the pick has won multiple Academy Awards |
Hall of Famer |
35 |
The following Hall's of Fame apply:
NFL, College Football, MLB, NHL, NBA, PGA, Tennis, Boxing, UFC, Nascar, WWE, TV ...and any other Hall of Fame the majority of players agree upon.
- This bonus only applies once, regardless if they are in multiple Hall's of Fame.
- Points will not be awarded if the pick is added to any Hall of Fame posthumously.
Two in One Week |
50 |
Two picks die within 7 calendar days, the day of death is considered the 1st day. e.g.: Pick died on a Monday the 5th, the seventh day would be Sunday the 11th.
Died in the Listening Area |
50 |
Suicide |
50 |
Death in a Vehicle |
50 |
Number of the Beast |
66 |
If 6 of a players original picks die they will be awarded 66 bonus points on the 6th death. This will only be applied once. Removed picks that later died do not count towards the 6 picks needed for the bonus.
Overdose |
75 |
Murdered |
75 |
Murdered by Another Death Pool Pick |
75 |
Each |
Killed by a Relative |
100 |
Death by Animal |
150 |
Act of God |
200 |
Leap Year |
290 |
Pick dies on February 29th |
Emergency / Local / Bone Picks
- Emergency Pick: (Base + Bonus Points)
- Local Pick: (Base + Bonus Points) x 3
- Bone Pick: (Bonus Points + 15) + 1 point for every month of the pick's tenure at The Bone.
Calling Your Shot
- Players may designate 1 of their non-emergency primary picks (no local or bone picks either) to die within 30 days. Players may do this twice in a season. You can only designate a single pick at a time. Total points for the death are tripled for a successful call. You may use the same pick with both designations, however the player must wait 30 days before designating the same pick.
- A 10 point penalty will be applied for Called Shots that do not die within the 30 day period.
- Called Shots that are made with less than 30 days left in the season will expire on the last day of the season.
In the Event of a Tie
If at the end of the season there is a tie for first place the tie will be broken by the following criteria (first one that breaks the tie is the winner):
- Highest number of Original Pick deaths wins.
- Highest number of Overall deaths (original picks + emergency picks) wins.
- Highest score for a single death.
Potential Rule Changes for 2025
The following are new rule ideas or changes to existing rules. They will be voted on by the players before the start of the next season.
New 'Two in One Day' Bonus
If a player has two of their picks die on the same calendar day they will receive 100 bonus points. Both picks must die on the same day, NOT within a 24 hour period.
New 'One Foot in the Grave' Bonus
If a player has a pick that is pronounced dead but is then brought back to life, the player will receive half the points for their age at the time of death, rounded up to the nearest whole number. No other bonuses will be applied.
For example, if a pick died at 41 but is then resuscitated the player would receive 30 points. (100 - 41) / 2 = 29.5, round up to 30.
If the pick goes on to die, and stay dead, later on in the season these points will remain and the full points for the pick will be added to it, including full age points.
January 1st, 2025
- Under Point System, The points awarded for the Academy Award Winner bonus have been increased from 25 to 35 to bring it in line with the Hall of Fame bonus.
January 19th, 2022
- Under Selection Rules, A Certain Level of Established Fame rule was put into place.
- Under Point System, added that a picks date and time of death must be determined or the points will be voided.
- Under Point System - Called Shots, added new rule that Called Shots that are made with less than 30 days left in the season will expire on the last day of the season.
- Under Point System, new Century Mark bonus. If a pick dies at the age of 100 a 25 point bonus is received.
- Under Emergency Picks, added If multiple players try to emergency pick the same person the player who sent their email first, with all the required information above, will receive the pick.
- Added new In the Event of a Tie, rule section.
January 4th, 2021
- Under Selection Rules, the definition of a Bone Pick has been updated to the following: Pick must be an active on-air personality of one of the Bone's shows that airs Monday through Friday. Guest spots do not count.
- Under Selection Rules, the definition of a Local Pick has been updated to the following: Pick must live in the state of Florida.
- Under Point System, the 25 point Former Show Guest bonus does not apply to Bone picks.
- Under Point System, new Number of the Beast bonus.
- Under Point System, new Hall of Famer bonus.
- Under Point System, new Academy Award Winner bonus.
January 16th, 2020
- Under Point System, the 25 point bonus for Original Draft Picks does not apply to Local or Bone picks.
January 7th, 2020
- Under Point System, the 25 point bonus for Emergency Picks has been removed, that bonus now applies to picks that were originally drafted.
- Under Emergency Picks, players now have only 24 hours to submit the money for paid emergency picks (previously they had 48 hours).
- Under Point System, the Drug Paraphernalia at Scene bonus has been removed.
- Under Point System, the following bonuses have been adjusted:
- Death in a Vehicle: 50 points (previously 35 points).
- Overdose: 75 points (previously 50 points).
- Killed by a Relative: 100 points (previously 50 points).
- Death by an Animal: 150 points (previously 100 points).
- Under Point System, the Leap Year bonus is still active but no multipliers will be applied (i.e. Local Pick x3 multiplier etc).
- Under Point System, new Over Century Mark bonus. If a pick dies over the age of 100 a 2x multiplier will be applied to every year over 100, for example:
- Pick dies at 101: 2 points will be awarded.
- Pick dies at 102: 4 points will be awarded.
- Pick dies at 103: 6 points will be awarded.
- Pick dies at 104: 8 points will be awarded.
- ...etc.
- Under Point System, the Calling Your Shot rule has been added.
April 16th, 2019
- Under Point System, "Changes in cause of death must be documented within the allotted time frame of the game." has been changed to "Changes in circumstances of death must be documented within the allotted time frame of the game."
- Under Point System, the following rule has been added: "Any changes to the circumstances of a death can change points awarded or cause them to be removed completely."
- Under Selection Rules, the following rule has been added: "Picks cannot be made after best known time of death, whether it comes from an official death certificate, coroner report, or any other outside source."
- Under Emergency Picks, the following rule has been added: "If an emergency pick becomes invalidated (e.g. picked after time of death) any removed picks will be reinstated to the player."